Presidential 2022: in Cannes, Éric Zemmour launches a call for a union of the rights



Article written by

H.Capelli, C.Méral, C.Duval, C.Combaluzier, O.Pergament – France 3

France Televisions

The far-right candidate, Éric Zemmour, called for the union of the rights in front of several thousand supporters in Cannes (Alpes-Maritimes), Saturday, January 22. Surrounded by his two new recruits, he multiplied the references to the National Front, the time of Jean-Marie Le Pen.

The place was symbolic: walking sticks (Alpes-Maritimes), a land of right. More than 4,000 people turned out on Saturday January 22 for Éric Zemmour’s meeting. The opportunity to celebrate the new rallies, in particular a former close friend of Marine Le Pen: Gilbert Collard. The far-right candidate called for “the union of the rights” : “You who believed in Le Pen, Pasqua, Sarkozy, Fillon. You who were face to face yesterday, you are now side by side.”

The polemicist made the supporters of the National Rally and then those of the Republicans applaud. “It’s very good that there is a union around Zemmour, we don’t want Pécresse or Le Pen”, points out a young man. Eric Zemmour’s speech was a new escalation of security measures. Before his meeting, the candidate strolled through the streets of Cannes, where many residents were won over to his cause.

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