Presidential 2022: guest of 20 Hours, Jordan Bardella speaks on the war in Ukraine and salary increases


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In the “Countdown” section of the 20 Hours, Anne-Sophie Lapix receives, Monday April 4, Jordan Bardella, president of the National Rally.

Monday, April 4, Jordan Bardellathe president of the National Rally, present on the set of 20 Heures, is invited to speak about the war in Ukraine. Marine Le Penpresidential candidate, said that Vladimir Putin could become an ally again if he stopped the war. Jordan Bardella answers that “this war is not ours”although the party condemns these actions. In terms of penalties, “we must maintain diplomatic pressure on Russia, we must impose sanctions against the Russian leaders who orchestrated this war”thinks Jordan Bardella.

Vladimir Putin still appears on some leaflets of the RN shaking hands with Marine Le Pen. “We have a leaflet on which appears all the international meetings that Marine Le Pen has been able to do”justifies Jordan Bardella. Uincrease in minimum wage is not planned, but the party wants “work pays better”. Thus, companies that want to, can increase wages by 10% while being exempt from charges on this increase for five years. There are also plans to double aid for single-parent families.

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