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Like every Friday, the 12/13 offers you its “Campaign Diary”. On the program on Friday March 4, Emmanuel Macron’s upset campaign system and the contingencies of some candidates detailed by journalist Hugo Capelli.
President Emmanuel Macron declared himself a candidate in an open letter to the French published on Friday March 4. But his campaign plan will be upset, in particular because of the Ukrainian crisis. What will change? “It’s very blurry. Everything will settle down day by day for the president, now a candidate.explains journalist Hugo Capellipresent on the set of 12/13. The other candidates are experiencing the same difficulty. Anne Hidalgo, Fabien Roussel and Valérie Pécresse came to the Agricultural Show on the morning of March 4. Corn “impossible for them to impose their ideas. The war in Ukraine, at the heart of the discussions”reports Hugo Capelli.
Small earthquake on the side of ecologists, because “Sandrine Rousseau, political adviser to Yannick Jadot, has been removed from her post” for numerous criticisms of the candidate’s campaign. For Philippe Poutou, “he has [dans la mi-journée du 4 mars] 439 referrals, he needs 500. But (he) assures that he will get there”. Finally, many meetings are planned this weekend like that of Jean-Luc Mélenchon in Lyon (Rhone) or Eric Zemmour in Toulon (var).