Presidential 2022: Emmanuel Macron re-elected president, Marine Le Pen beaten

The first round of the presidential election placed Emmanuel Macron (27.9%) and Marine Le Pen (23.1%) in the second round. The results from 8 p.m. on Sunday April 24, 2022 are now known: the 44-year-old outgoing president is the winner of this election with 58.2%. His opponent collected 41.8% of the vote. Five years ago for elections with the same poster, Emmanuel Macron won with 66.1% of the votes cast, against 33.9% for the RN candidate.

The recent Ipsos-Sopra Steria poll had given the outgoing president at 57.5% and the head of the RN at 42.5% after the debate between the two rounds of April 20, with a margin of error of 3.3 %. If the debate of April 20 was the great media event of the between two rounds, it was not intended to upset the choice of the vote since two thirds of the respondents believe that there was not really a winner. .

In 2017, the abstention rate proved to be historically high (around 26%, i.e. nearly 12 million citizens out of 47 million registered on the electoral lists), despite repeated calls for mobilization issued during the intervening period. two towers. This year, the participation index was between 71 and 75%, with an average weight of 73%. It would possibly be a little less than in the second round of 2017 (74.6%), but also than in the first round of April 10 (73.7%).

This vote signs Act II for Emmanuel Macron, it is the first time that a president has been re-elected since the establishment of the five-year term without cohabitation. Note, however, that the legislative elections in June will also weigh heavily on the government. It is in any case the explosion of joy in front of the Eiffel Tower for the militants of the Head of State. The Minister of Foreign Affairs Jean-Yves Le Drian and that of Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti, very moved, gave their first reactions, ready for the issues and the challenges that France will face. On the side of the RN, it is grimace soup. Marine Le Pen, however, harvests the best score ever achieved by her party.

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