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Emmanuel Macron was unable to apply his pension reform during his five-year term. He therefore draws another for a possible next mandate: it no longer offers a pension with points, but a lowering of the retirement age to 65 years. He also wants to introduce a minimum pension of 1,100 euros.
Thursday, March 10, the president and now candidate Emmanuel Macron put the big subject of pensions back on the table. He wants to postpone the retirement age to 65. Arrangements are provided for long and difficult careers, as well as a minimum pension of 1,100 euros for a full career.
Candidate Macron’s project joins that of Valérie Pécresse, who also wants to postpone the legal retirement age to 65. Eric Zemmour wants to postpone it to 64, when Yannick JadotAnne Hidalgo, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan and Jean Lassalle plead for the maintenance at 62 years old. For the other candidates from the left as well as Marine Le Pen, the legal retirement age must be set at 60 years. The CFDT, however open to the previous reform of Emmanuel Macron, protests this time against the proposal of the president.