Presidential 2022: Emmanuel Macron in the lead ahead of Marine Le Pen in Center-Val de Loire

Emmanuel Macron tops the first round in Centre-Val de Loire with 28.53% of the votes cast, he is ahead of Marine Le Pen at 25.86%. In the region, Jean-Luc Mélenchon is in third position, he won 18.68% of the vote, Eric Zemmour 6.58%, Valérie Pécresse 5.33%.

The environmental candidate Yannick Jadot is below 5% in Centre-Val de Loire at 4.04%, followed by Jean Lassalle at 2.87% then Fabien Roussel (2.5%), Nicolas Dupont-Aignan (2.36% ), Anne Hidalgo (1.72%), Philippe Poutou (0.83%) and Nathalie Arthaud (0.69%).

Marine Le Pen in the lead in three departments

In the region, Cher and Indre placed Marine Le Pen in the lead ahead of the outgoing president while Jean-Luc Mélenchon took 3rd place. In Cher, Marine Le Pen obtained 27.89% of the vote, Emmanuel Macron 27.1%. In Indre, she won 28.53% of the vote against 26.03% for the LREM candidate.

In Eure-et-Loir, the RN candidate is also slightly ahead of Emmanuel Macron for this first round with 28.16% of the vote, against 27.21% for the outgoing president. Jean-Luc Mélenchon is third with 16.42%.

Emmanuel Macron largely in the lead in Indre-et-Loire

Emmanuel Macron exceeds 30% in Indre-et-Loire with 30.99% of the vote, it is almost ten points more than Marine Le Pen (21.54%) and Jean-Luc Mélenchon (20.77%). Behind, the other candidates weigh almost nothing. Éric Zemmour painfully reaches 6% (6.09%), Valérie Pécresse (4.97%) and Yannick Jadot (4.96%) do not reach 5%.

In Loiret, the LREM candidate is first with 28.92% of the vote, ahead of Marine Le Pen at 25.59%. The National Rally candidate is doing less well than in 2017 when she finished first in the department in the first round. The candidate of rebellious France, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, is third (18.93%), followed by Eric Zemmour (6.82%) and Valérie Pécresse (5.39%).

Finally, the result is particularly tight this Sunday in Loir-et-Cher since there is only 268 votes difference between the two qualified candidates for the second round, Emmanuel Macron gathered 27.92% of the votes there, Marine Le Pen 27.77%. Jean-Luc Mélenchon is third with 16.80%.

As on the whole territory, the abstention was strong this Sunday for the 1st round of the presidential election. In Centre-Val de Loire, it amounts to 25.01%, it is five points more than in 2017 when it amounted to 19.74% in the region.

source site-38