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The first round of the presidential election is held in 15 days, and each camp is mobilizing its activists to convince voters. The 20 Hours went to meet them.
Only 15 days before the first round of the presidential election, this is the home stretch for activists from different political parties. An elected member of the National Rally does not lack the arms to tow. In Provins (Seine-et-Marne), some refuse the leaflets of the National Rally, while others take them with their fingertips, or seize them without hesitation.
For the activists of the National Rally, the whole issue is to fight against abstention. The activists of La République en Marche are also on the bridge. Understanding sympathizers of their candidate, Emmanuel Macron, who campaigned little. “There is war in Ukraine. AT at some point he cannot be in the oven and in the mill”, explains one of them. In Toulouse (Haute-Garonne), Anne Hidalgo is applauded during a meeting, even if some activists have no illusions about her ability to reach the second round.