President Zelensky accuses Moscow of resorting to ‘nuclear terror’ after fire at Zaporizhia nuclear power plant

The Ukrainian leader also called for “immediate European action” to “prevent Europe from dying of a nuclear disaster”.

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The Ukrainian president does not mince his words. Volodymyr Zelensky accused Moscow of resorting to “nuclear terror” after the Russian fire which targeted the nuclear power plant of Zaporijjia, in the center of the country, on Friday March 4. He also called for “immediate European action” for “to prevent Europe from dying of a nuclear disaster”in a video posted on his Telegram account.

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“We are alerting everyone to the fact that no other country except Russia has ever fired on nuclear power plants. This is the first time in our history, the first time in the history of mankind. This Terrorist state now resorts to nuclear terror”he said. “Ukraine has fifteen nuclear reactors. If there is an explosion, it’s the end of everything. The end of Europe. It’s the evacuation of Europe”he continued.

Earlier, his foreign minister, Dmytro Kuleba, urged the attackers to stop shelling the plant site. “If it explodes, it will be ten times bigger than Chernobyl! The Russians must cease fire IMMEDIATELY”.

On Friday morning, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson denounced in a press release the “irresponsible actions” of Vladimir Putin, who can “directly threaten the security of all of Europe”. After a telephone interview with Volodymyr Zelensky, Boris Johnson called for an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council “in the next few hours”.

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