President Nicolas Maduro re-elected for a third term



Video length: 1 min

Venezuela: President Nicolas Maduro re-elected for a third term
Venezuela: President Nicolas Maduro re-elected for a third term
(France 2)

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro won the presidential election on Sunday, July 28. The opposition accused the government of fraud, irregularities and a campaign of intimidation.

The crowd is jubilant, a few minutes after the results were announced. Arms in the air, Nicolas Maduro celebrates his victory. He has just been re-elected president for a third term, with 51.20% of the vote. “There will be peace, stability and justice after this July 28th. And it starts today!”he said. The calm of his supporters, however, contrasts with the tension that marks this election. The opposition refuses to recognize the result and claims to have won 70% of the votes.

His rival, Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia, a discreet diplomat and unknown to the general public, wants to turn the page on 25 years of Chavista rule. Nicolas Maduro has limited observation of the vote to several countries. The United States has already called for a fair and transparent count. Costa Rica, for its part, rejects the announcement of a victory that it describes as “fraudulent”.

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