President Lula condemns the assault of “fascist vandals” in the Brazilian capital

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11:53 p.m. : O respeito ea ordem devem prevalecer em qualquer manifestação.Vandalismo e depredação não se coadunam com os valores da direita, pelo contrario são práticas da ideologia que nos contrapomos. Semper pela legalidade e por nossos princípios e valores.

11:56 p.m. : Hamilton Mourao, former vice-president of Jaïr Bolsonaro, dissociates himself in turn from the assault “Vandalism and looting are not in line with the values ​​of the right, on the contrary, they are practices of the ideology that we oppose. Always for legality and for our principles and values.

11:47 p.m. : The prosecutor also claims “the immediate arrest of former Federal District Public Safety Secretary Anderson Torres, who was fired this afternoon, and other public officials responsible for acts and omissions.”

11:46 p.m. : The Attorney General of Brazil asks telephone operators to keep the geolocation data of people who were on the Esplanade of the Three Powers this afternoon for 90 days to allow them to be identified.

11:44 p.m. : Nearly 2 years to the day the US Capitol was attacked by fascists, we see fascist movements abroad attempt to do the same in Brazil. We must stand in solidarity with @LulaOficial’s democratically elected government. ??The US must cease granting refuge to Bolsonaro in Florida.

11:44 p.m. : “The United States must stop giving asylum to Jair Bolsonaro”fumed US Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a rising figure on the American left.

11:41 p.m. : The violent attempts to undermine democracy in Brazil are unjustifiable. President @LulaOficial and the government of Brazil have the full support of the UK.

11:41 p.m. : “Violent attempts to undermine democracy in Brazil are unjustifiable”retorts James Cleverly, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Kingdom, whose country joins the concert of support for Lula.

11:37 p.m. : Absolutely, the Supreme Court, the two chambers of Congress and the Presidential Palace have been taken back from the demonstrators.

11:35 p.m. : Have the Senate and Congress been liberated now or is the occupation still ongoing?

11:31 p.m. : You find it surprising that the demonstrators entered the Parliament without resistance, or almost? . In Brasilia,the buildings are guarded but in a fairly flexible way“, explains on franceinfo Sébastien Velut, director of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Latin America. “There was no one, Congress wasn’t sitting” and “the building was empty and it seems quite unprotected“According to him, the demonstrators were able”quite easily outrun police forces” who “try to avoid too much violence“.

11:27 p.m. : We are now talking about 150 arrests as the latest assessment of the assault on the Brazilian Parliament. Images from the CNN Brazil channel showed Bolsonarians dressed in yellow and green descending in single file, hands behind their backs, the ramp of the presidential palace of Planalto, surrounded by police. On other images, we can see a bus full of demonstrators arrested leaving in the direction of a police station.

11:26 p.m. : Em vídeo, governador do DF, @IbaneisOficial, se pronuncia e pede desculpas ao presidente @LulaOficial. Veja:

11:29 p.m. : The governor of the Federal District (the region of Brasilia therefore) apologizes to Lula for this attempted assault on Parliament, which he failed to prevent. “What happened in our city is unacceptable.” Recall that he dismissed his Minister of the Interior in the evening. He assures that he and the Minister of Justice had been monitoring the movement of demonstrators towards Brasilia since yesterday.

11:24 p.m. : Several accounts of Brazilian journalists point to Steve Bannon’s role in the attempted assault on Parliament in Brazil. It’s still not very clear. To establish the role of the damned soul of Donald Trump in this attempted coup, we will probably have to dig a little.

11:17 p.m. : ?? Vândalos rasgaram obra by Di Cavalcanti. A dimensão de danos de outras obras que ficam em prédios públicos parece ser grande

11:17 p.m. : Valuable works of art have suffered from the passage of demonstrators.

11:10 p.m. : The Liberal Party, which as its name does not indicate is the extreme right party of Jaïr Bolsonaro speaks of a “dark day for the Brazilian nation”by the voice of its president Valdemar Costa Neto. “All organized demonstrations are legitimate, but disorder has never been a principle of our nation. I want to say that we strongly disagree with this attitude and want the law to apply to strengthen our democracy.”

11:04 p.m. : @Pommecannelle46 Radio silence on social networks for the moment. Last I heard, he’s still in Florida. The last image we have of him is to see him alone at a table in a fast food restaurant during the holidays.

11:03 p.m. : Did Bolsonaro react?

11:00 p.m. : Palacio do Planalto, para @folha

11:00 p.m. : This photo has become the symbolic image of this assault on the Brazilian Parliament.

10:58 p.m. : Rodrigo Pacheco, the president of the Senate and of the Congress (the combination of the two Assemblies), announces that he is returning quickly to Brasilia and that he is going to convene an extraordinary session.

10:52 p.m. : According to CNN Brasil, we are now talking about at least 30 people arrested in the precincts of the Senate.

10:51 p.m. : ❗️ATENÇÃO❗️Em Manaus, bolsonaristas do CMA se preparam para paralisar a Refinaria Isac Sabbá, do Grupo Atem, a única da Região Norte. Objetivo é interrupt o abastecimento de combustível. Eles estão sendo impulsionados por atos em Brasília e contam com ?financiamento?.

10:51 p.m. : According to a journalist based in Manaus, a large city in the heart of the Amazon rainforest, protesters are trying to block an oil refinery.

10:48 p.m. : O dia da infâmia do terrorismo bolsonarista #oglobo

10:48 p.m. : The ransacking of Congress, in a before/after photo.

10:46 p.m. : Ditto in Rio, where the mayor Eduardo Paes announces a strengthening of security to prevent any attempted coup.

10:46 p.m. : Sao Paulo Mayor Richard Nunes announces to O Globo that the demonstrators who advanced towards the institutions of the State were dislodged.

10:43 p.m. : Not at all, the various ministries are not located on this famous place of the three powers. Neither President Lula, nor the deputies, nor the senators were present during the attack.

10:42 p.m. : How was the government organized at the start of the assault? Were the president/ministers on the scene and then evacuated?

10:42 p.m. : The parallel with the attack on the Capitol is still sadly incredible… Same cogs, same situation, same opposing camps… Even within two days…

10:42 p.m. : In the heat of the moment, I didn’t have time to tell you that Lula announced the closure of the main axes of Brasilia for the next 24 hours.

10:39 p.m. : Lula announced that he would immediately return to Brasilia after his speech. “ I’m going back to Brasilia now, I’m going to visit the three palaces that were ransacked. You can be sure it won’t happen again. We’ll find out who funded this.”

10:38 p.m. : @Vanilla Indeed, there is only to reread the report of our special correspondent Valentine Pasquesoone who had met Bolsonaro fans on November 1st. Many said they “did not accept” the result of the presidential election which had crowned Lula by a short head.

10:36 p.m. : Hello Peter. Sad news tonight. Demonstrations had already taken place during the election… Lula will not hold his entire mandate if the security system and the armies are not reinforced… Brazil will fall into chaos.

10:36 p.m. : I see a very very very provisional balance sheet of three to five people arrested after this coup.

10:35 p.m. : The Brazilian media O Globo announces that the presidential palace and the supreme court have been taken back from the demonstrators. There are still the two rooms to take back from them.

10:33 p.m. : There is little doubt that these social networks were used to coordinate the processions. Screenshots of Whatsapp accounts of regional leaders of these parades circulate on social networks.

10:32 p.m. : Good evening Pierre, what role do social networks (Telegram, WhatsApp) play in the mobilization of bolsonarists? Thank you!

10:30 p.m. : “Time and time again, and quite explicitly, the demonstrators called for an institutional break, called for the intervention of the army to prevent Lula from being sworn in as president. It is clear that today we are no longer in the realm of words but in the realm of deeds.

Gaspard Estrada was speaking on franceinfo this evening.

10:27 p.m. : We condemn the attacks on Brazil’s Presidency, Congress, and Supreme Court today. Using violence to attack democratic institutions is always unacceptable. We join @lulaoficial in urgent an immediate end to these actions.

10:26 p.m. : US Foreign Secretary Anthony Blinken condemns attacks on Parliament and the Supreme Court. Using violence to attack democratic institutions is always unacceptable. We join Lula to demand an immediate end to these actions.”

10:19 p.m. : Sto seguendo con preoccupazione quanto sta accadendo in Brasile. I risultati elettorali vanno semper e comunque rispettati .

10:19 p.m. : The Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs also goes there with his tweet: “Any act of violence against democratic institutions must be strongly condemned. Election results must always be respected.

10:18 p.m. : Toda mi solidarity a @LulaOficial y al pueblo del Brasil. El fascismo decides dar un golpe.

Las derechas no han podido mantener el pacto de la no violencia.

Es hora urgente de reunion de la OAS si quiere seguir viva como institución y aplicar la carte democrática.

10:18 p.m. : “Fascism has decided to strike”reacts Colombian President Gustavo Petro. “The rights have not been able to maintain the pact of non-violence.

10:15 p.m. : Two years after the Capitol, the far right is again attacking institutions in #Brazil to challenge the verdict of the ballot box. My support for Brazilians and President Lula. More than ever, let’s defend and protect our democracies, every day.

10:15 p.m. : As noted in the comments, Yaël Braun-Pivet, President of the National Assembly, also reacted to this assault on the Brazilian Parliament.

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