President Laurent Lairy announces the club’s 120th anniversary festivities in a video

Stade Lavallois is launching a new communication medium on its website: “Stade Lavallois TV”. This is a weekly video show to highlight club employees, supporters. “The objective is to provide institutional communication at Stade Lavallois, which will be based on three pillars: sporting life to showcase players, club life with jobs around the field and the club’s environment with partners.“Explains in the preamble the president of the club Laurent Lairy.

The latter was therefore the “first guest” of a question and answer game with footballer Utku Altunay who wore the colors of Tango between 2005 and 2009 and more recently that of US Changed as captain. Laurent Lairy in this seven-minute video revealed the schedule of the club’s 120th anniversary celebrations. A major event, eagerly awaited by supporters.

A big popular football tournament in Le Basser

Thus, the “special 120 years” collector’s jersey will be unveiled in a few days, available for pre-order and deliverable in April-May. A jersey made “in short circuit” specifies the president of the club. On May 3, the Lavallois Stadium will organize a gala evening with club jersey auctionfor partners and institutions.

Finally on June 4: a football tournament at the Francis Le Basser stadium “which will be aimed at all Mayenne residents” will be arranged. First a youth tournament, then the women’s, and a legends tournament which will be associated with institutional partners. The stands will be open to all Mayenne residents. “I hope we will be out of sanitary standards” concludes Laurent Lairy.

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