President Gérard Larcher took legal action

A vitriolic letter from a Senate doctor accuses the institution of favoritism, and of being too opaque about its functioning.


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The President of the Senate, Gérard Larcher, in his hemicycle on November 15, 2023. (ANDREA SAVORANI NERI / NURPHOTO / AFP)

Gérard Larcher, president of the upper house of the Senate, took legal action on Friday February 9 after the publication of an article in Le Canard chainé concerning anot mysterious “sextape” involving “a senator”as well as accusations of blackmail.

At the Luxembourg Palace, the article entitled “The sex tape which panics the Senate” took more than one parliamentarian by surprise and the executives of the institution had until then remained silent. But Friday relaunched the issue. At the start of the morning, the 348 senators received a letter in their mailbox from the Senate doctor, of which AFP obtained a copy.

In three pages, this practitioner, employed for five years, contests his dismissal from February 15, multiplying the accusations against the “High administration” of the Senate which he accuses of a “cabal” against him. But he also mentions the case of a medical assistant, recruited according to him “on the basis of false diplomas”. This would hold “compromising elements of her lover”presented as “an authority of the Senate”in order to “keep a pressure lever in case of possible difficulties”.

In the afternoon, Gérard Larcher’s office announced that the latter had decided to “make a report to the public prosecutor”, considering that he “it is now up to the courts to take up the facts in question”.

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