President Emmanuel Macron on a surprise visit to the Marseille city



Video length: 2 min

Drug trafficking in Marseille: President Emmanuel Macron on a surprise visit to the Marseille city

Drug trafficking in Marseille: President Emmanuel Macron on a surprise visit to the Marseille city

(France 2)

Tuesday March 19, the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron made a surprise visit to Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône) in the northern districts. Its focus: the fight against drugs. He spoke of an “unprecedented” operation.

Even his ministers were taken by surprise: the visit was not on the agenda. On the morning of March 19, Emmanuel Macron went to Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône), to the northern districts, plagued by drug trafficking for years. This unannounced visit took place the day after a major police operation. “The goal is to destroy the networks and the traffickers, and for the few who make your life impossible to leave”the president told residents.

A government anti-drug strategy

La Castellane, 6,000 inhabitants, is the town where the so-called “place net” operation took place on Monday March 18, the term chosen by the government to designate its anti-drug strategy. Emmanuel Macron explains part of the plan: “We are going to increase, if I may say so, all the in-depth work that has been done over the last few years, harassment on all deal points, and the work with the good results obtained internationally”. Since the start of the operation, in 2021, out of 149 deal points, 70 have been closed without being reconstituted elsewhere.

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