Presidency of the RN, violence against women, annexation referendums in Ukraine, immigration … Jordan Bardella’s “8:30 franceinfo”

Jordan Bardella, MEP National Rally (RN) and candidate for the presidency of the party, was the guest of “8:30 am franceinfo”, Wednesday September 21, 2022. Presidency of the RN, violence against women, annexation referendums in Ukraine, immigration. .. He answers questions from Salhia Brakhlia and Marc Fauvelle.

Presidency of the RN: Bardella judges that he has “the most solid base to win”

Jordan Bardella believes that he is better placed than Louis Aliot, the mayor of Perpignan and also a candidate to lead the party, to “open our movement to a new electorate”. “I have the strongest base to win“, assures the MEP who has served as the interim president of the party since the last presidential candidacy of Marine Le Pen, in September 2021.

The MEP claims to have with her a “relationship of very, very great trust” and adds want “continue what she started to do and I think that in five years we will reach responsibilities and therefore the role of the new president of the RN is to make our movement the most conquering of all”.

Violence against women: Bardella points to “the moral sinking of the left”

If a woman is affected by acts of violence within the RN “we encourage him to file a complaint in court“, explains Jordan Bardella. The acting president of the party was questioned on this subject while La France insoumise and EELV are shaken by cases of violence against women which implicate Adrien Quatennens and Julien Bayou.

For Jordan Bardella, “It’s a bit like the moral shipwreck of the left. It’s the ‘do as I say, but not as I do’ left, which spends its time setting itself up as a model of virtue, as a righter of wrongs , to give lessons to the whole earth and who today finds himself caught up in such affairs”adds this close friend of Marine Le Pen.

Annexations in Ukraine: Moscow “seeks to instrumentalize” the referendum

“I think that Russia seeks to instrumentalise the popular expression tool par excellence, which is the referendum, in territories where it has committed absolutely unacceptable attacks in order to legitimize the violation of Ukraine’s territorial sovereignty”said Jordan Bardella about the announcements made on Wednesday by Russia to annex the territories it controls in Ukraine and to organize referendums in the coming days.

Asked about the case of Crimea – annexed in 2014 by Russia which then also organized a referendum – Jordan Bardella believes that “it has nothing to do”. “The referendum in Crimea did not take place during a time of war and war crimes. I don’t mind history being remade, but Crimea was ceded to Ukraine for about half a century. Crimea is historically Russian. We are not in the same context”he assures.

Immigration bill: “We must not distribute illegal immigrants, we must make them leave”

The acting president of the RN returned to a statement by the head of state: “What worries me is the statement he made in his press conference last Friday in which he said he wanted to speed up the distribution of migrants in the French countryside”. “We must not distribute the illegal immigrants, we must make them leave”declares Jordan Bardella in reaction to the asylum and immigration bill planned by Emmanuel Macron at the beginning of next year.

For the MEP, the President [qui parlait d’étrangers ayant obtenu un titre de séjour] “wants to punish rurality because distributing immigration in the countryside and in French villages is also to distribute the problems that result from it: insecurity, communitarianism…” The candidate for the presidency of the RN does not want “that French villages resemble the Seine-Saint-Denis or the Porte de la Chapelle”. He questions: “What do a Sudanese and an inhabitant of a village in Creuse have in common?” and propose “to organize a referendum on the question of immigration. At some point you have to ask the French people the question”.

Find the entire “8:30 am franceinfo” of Wednesday September 21, 2022:

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