Presidency of the Les Républicains party, violence against women … What to remember from “8:30 franceinfo” by Virginie Calmels

Virginie Calmels, former candidate for the presidency of the Republicans (LR), was the guest of “8:30 am franceinfo”, Sunday October 2, 2022. Presidency of the party Les Républicains, violence against women … She answers questions from Neila Latrous and Lorrain Senechal.

Presidency of LR: “There was a deliberate desire to block me”

The former number 2 of the right-wing political formation announced to the Journal du Dimanche to renounce his candidacy, despite the court decision handed down on September 20 which reinstated him in the race for the presidency, after the invalidation “brutal” from the High Authority of LR this summer. She had rejected her candidacy on August 29, arguing that Virginie Calmels was not up to date with her contribution on July 22, 2022.

“There was a deliberate desire to block me”, denounces Virginie Calmels. She denounces “the method used” by the high authority of the party. “This court decision completely prevented me from campaigning for four weeks”she underlines, adding that she has noticed “a lot of irregularities”. VSHowever, she affirms her desire not to “start turning into litigators and doing trials every four mornings”while its “application was not welcome”.

Violence against women: beware of the “media court”

“I don’t like tartufferies in this area”denounced the ex-candidate for the presidency of LR. “I don’t think it’s commissions in political parties that can solve these problems”she pointed out.

Virginie Calmels thus denounces “the media court organized by Mrs. Sandrine Rousseau”who had mentioned in the program C à vous on France 5 the behavior of Julien Bayou “of a nature to break the moral health of women“. “Besides, (his ex-girlfriend) attempted suicide a few weeks later, she was so badly”she took care to specify in the very last minute of the show.

“Pointing the finger at someone without knowing the ins and outs and especially if it’s in the private sphere, I would be careful not to enter this media court.”

Virginie Calmels

on franceinfo

The former vice president of the party, however, believes that“we must not close our eyes when we know where we hear a certain number of things” before condemning “the omerta” in the “political world”. “We must denounce it”slice Virginie Calmels. “When you don’t say anything, that means you’re condoning. That means you’re complicit in a number of things. And that seems very serious to me.”

Find the entire “8:30 am franceinfo” of Sunday October 2, 2022:

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