The secretary general of the Republicans and deputy of Lot was the guest of “8:30 a.m. franceinfo”, Saturday September 3, 2022.
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Aurelien Pradié, secretary general of the Republicans and deputy of Lot was the guest of “8:30 franceinfo”, Saturday September 3, 2022. Presidency of the party Les Républicains, National Council for Refoundation … He answers questions from Lorrain Sénéchal and Neila Latrous.
National Refoundation Council: “no need to create additional widgets”
Aurélien Pradié denounced on franceinfo Emmanuel Macron who “take”according to him, “freedoms with our institutional organization and therefore perhaps even with our democratic organization”, while the Head of State launched on September 8 the National Council for Refoundation (CNR) to which political parties, associations and trade unions in particular are invited, to reflect on major societal reforms. “There is no need to create additional widgets”he blurted out.
Presidency of the Les Républicains party: no “war of leaders”
“Bruno Retailleau is an excellent chairman of the senatorial group and he must remain so”, said Aurélien Pradié, after the announcement of the official candidacy of Bruno Retailleau to take the lead of the right-wing party. The party presidency “is a full-time job”, reacted the secretary general of the Republicans. The boss of the LR senators made it official on Friday in an interview with Figaro his candidacy but does not intend to let go of the Republican group in the Senate. He will face Eric Ciotti, the only other declared candidate for the moment.
Find the entire “8:30 am franceinfo” of Saturday September 3, 2022: