“Presently, it fits” -Lehkonen | The Journal of Montreal

VANCOUVER | Artturi Lehkonen has never acted like an open book in front of the media. In happy times as well as in darker times, the Finn weighs his every word. Offensive engine of his team with two goals and an assist, Lehkonen offered one of the simplest explanations for his recent successes (6 goals, 2 assists in his last five games).

• Read also: Defeated by JT Miller

“I always felt I had chances to score. Sometimes it doesn’t fit. Currently, it fits. I try to find the openings. Jake (Evans) and Rem made some great games for me today. »

-Artturi Lehkonen

With less than two weeks to go before the deal deadline, Lehkonen finds himself at the center of rumors. Kent Hughes will need a very good offer to dispose of his services.

“It’s not the first season that my name has come out in rumors, I know this reality. But I can’t control that. I can do nothing. I can just look to play the best I can to help my team win. I don’t have to block out distractions. I know how it goes, I’ve been playing in Montreal for six years. »

-Artturi Lehkonen

Martin St-Louis described Lehkonen as an essential player for a winning team.

“In a winning team, you usually find players like him. He is a player that the coaches like to have in a team. »

-Martin St-Louis

Samuel Montembeault blocked 28 of the Canucks’ 32 shots. After the match, the 25-year-old goalkeeper offered a lucid analysis of the evening.

“We can give them credit. This is a team fighting for a playoff spot. We knew, at the start of the match, that they were going to come out strong. The Canucks played a good game, they were intense, they didn’t give us a lot of space and they managed to create chances. We still worked hard. In the end, it was tight. »

-Samuel Montembeault

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