Presence of asbestos | Three McGill University buildings urgently closed

McGill University had to close three buildings due to the presence of asbestos. A “worrying situation” that arose during renovation work at the Macdonald campus in Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue.

The announcement of the closure of the Raymond, Macdonald-Stewart and Barton pavilions was made late Tuesday evening to the university community. These pavilions notably house the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.

“Tests (smear contamination tests) carried out today revealed the presence of asbestos on certain surfaces of the Pavillon Raymond, where renovation work is being carried out. Over the next few days, extensive testing will be carried out to identify and isolate the source of the problem,” writes the director of public safety on campus, Pierre Barberie.

By Friday, classes will be given online. As for research activities, only personnel “whose role includes caring for animals or preserving cell cultures and living plants will be allowed to enter”.

“We are aware that this is a worrying situation. Please know that we take this issue very seriously. There are strict standards associated with the repair of buildings where the presence of asbestos has been detected,” writes Mr. Barberie.

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