Preparing to be a grandmother

One day, the announcement falls: we are going to be a grandmother! A new stage in our life which makes us change places in the generations and which at the same time opens up joyful perspectives. Thus, according to a 2021 Ifop poll, 94% of grandparents say they are happy to be.

Far from the grandparents of yesteryear, often severe and unloving, far also from the caricature of a generation of selfish seniors, grandparents – there are 15 million of them in France today – turn out to be available, generous, loving and supportive. of core values. In addition, they play a decisive role in family balance.

But how to understand this new role of grandmother and prepare for it? How to find the right place and the right distance, without sacrificing yourself, but being both useful to parents and listening to your grandchildren?

Geraldine Mayr receives Francoise Dorn, psychotherapist, trainer and consultant, whom her grandchildren call “Mamina”. She published happy granny published by Jouvence and gives us full of advice to help us make the most of our new role as grandmothers.

To read an extract from Françoise Dorn’s book, it’s here.

A program created in partnership with Well in my life by Current Woman.

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