Preparation of the debate, potential government of Marine Le Pen … Laurent Jacobelli’s “8:30 franceinfo”

Laurent Jacobelli, regional councilor for the Grand-Est region and spokesperson for the Rassemblement national candidate in the presidential election, was the guest of the “8:30 a.m. franceinfo”, Saturday April 16, 2022. Preparation of the debate between the two rounds, potential government of Marine Le Pen … He answers questions from Ersin Leibowitch and Myriam Encaoua.

“Marine Le Pen has been working for five years” on the debate between the two rounds

Marine Le Pen “worked for five years” in the debate between the two rounds of the presidential election, scheduled for Wednesday, April 20, assures Laurent Jacobelli, spokesperson for the National Rally and its candidate. Very concretely, “she stays a few days [avant] a little outside the cameras to work”, explains Laurent Jacobelli. He thus promises that this debate will take place between “the European federalist globalists, represented by Emmanuel Macron, and those who want to give back to the French their country, their money and their democracy”.

If Marine Le Pen’s performance at the 2017 debate had been widely criticized, she has since “draw all the conclusions from this debate and the election”, assures Laurent Jacobelli. He recalls that she has “reformed the party which supported it which became the National Rally after the National Front”she has “reviewed the constitution of its teams” and “challenged her working method herself to be more efficient, more efficient”. We must see in this preparation, according to Laurent Jacobelli, a decision “awareness of the importance of this moment” from Marine Le Pen.

Marine Le Pen wants a government with “even with people on the left”

If elected in the second round of the presidential election on April 24, Marine Le Pen wants to build a government “national unity”, without however including his niece Marion Maréchal. But he “there are other names”, launches Laurent Jacobelli. He assures that his candidate “don’t just talk about gathering [avec] ex-RN”. “She speaks of a large gathering, even with these people on the left who have the Republic at their hearts”he explains.

Laurent Jacobelli thus launches an appeal in the direction of the left and “those people who believe in secularism and not in the veil”, “those people who believe that all French people deserve the same attention”, “those patriots, those who love France and we love France on the right, on the left and somewhere else”.

Find the entire “8:30 am franceinfo” of Saturday April 16, 2022:

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