Prague may extradite Indian suspect to the United States

(Prague) The Czech Constitutional Court announced on Wednesday that it had authorized the extradition of an Indian citizen suspected of being involved in an alleged plot to kill a Sikh separatist in the United States.

In November, the US Department of Justice charged Indian citizen Nikhil Gupta with plotting the assassination of a Sikh separatist leader on US soil.

He alleged that an Indian government official was also involved in planning the plot to kill a US citizen of Indian origin.

On Wednesday, the Czech highest court announced that it had rejected Mr. Gupta’s appeal against lower court rulings approving his extradition.

The extradition must still be approved by the Czech Minister of Justice.

Mr. Gupta was arrested at Prague Airport on June 30, 2023, under an extradition order issued by the US Department of Justice.

For this Department of Justice, the man who would have been targeted by this assassination plan “is a virulent critic of the Indian government and heads a United States-based organization advocating the secession of Punjab”, a state in the north of India. India which has a large population of Sikhs.

The Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced for its part that it had set up a “high-level” commission of inquiry to examine the matter.

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