PPDA case against Florence Porcel: the investigation is experiencing a rebound…

This is a new stage that begins in the legal saga in which finds himself Patrick Poivre d’Arvor, accused by dozens of women of acts of sexual harassment or rape. A case started in 2021 by the first complaint filed against him by Florence Porcel, which paved the way for other alleged victims. While she filed a second complaint after the dismissal of the first, justice has just decided to go further.

The investigating chamber of the Versailles Court of Appeal has extended Tuesday, June 28, 2022 the proceedings of the judicial investigation targeting Patrick Poivre d’Arvor to facts appearing to be prescribed denounced by the writer Florence Porcel, indicated a source close to the file to AFP. What to look for evidence, facts or testimonies in a sometimes very distant past… Florence Porcel, now 38 years old, accuses the former star presenter of TF1 who has become an outcast of having forced him to have sex in 2004 and fellatio in 2009, which he disputes. The facts of 2004, closed without further action for prescription during a preliminary investigation in 2021, were not included until now in the judicial information currently being carried out by an examining magistrate in Nanterre..

By reversing the order of this judge on Tuesday 28, the Court of Appeal “allows the instruction to continue on all the facts and to decide, in a second time, on their prescription or not, underlined the source close to the file. The defense of Patrick Poivre d’Arvor “waits to have more precise elements before reacting and commenting, if necessary, on a court decision which would be freed from the rules of limitation“, told AFP Jacqueline Laffont, who confirms that her client has not been heard, to date, by the investigating judge.

As a reminder, Patrick Poivre d’Arvor denied all the charges against him, and filed a complaint in April, with civil action, against 16 of his accusers whom he accuses of slanderous denunciation. He remains presumed innocent until the final judgment of this case.

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