PPDA accusers launch #MeTooMedias association

The eight women who accuse journalist Patrick Poivre d’Arvor of rape and sexual assault wish to create the association “for all the women and men who suffer silently in this media environment. “

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The eight women who accuse journalist Patrick Poivre d’Arvor of rape, assault or sexual harassment in the newspaper Release of Tuesday, November 9 will create the association #MeTooMedias to free speech on sexual violence in the media, announced one of the accusers, Emmanuelle Dancourt, Tuesday to France Inter.

“We decided to create #MeTooMedias, not just about PPDA, but for all the women and men who silently suffer in this media environment”, explains the journalist and columnist on RMC. “We want to set up an association and offer an umbrella to all those who do not want to come out of anonymity, but who need this sorority.”

The organization chart of the association is not yet final but its founders want to launch the keyword on social networks. It is already starting to be picked up on Wednesday morning with the publication of several testimonies targeting journalists other than PPDA.

Journalist and writer Florence Porcel filed a first rape complaint in February against the former star presenter of TF1, citing facts dating back to 2009, but the investigation was dismissed last June. The journalist then announced to file a complaint with the constitution of civil party, which should allow the automatic entry of an independent investigating magistrate and the opening of a judicial investigation.

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