Power supply: does the Skyr fulfill its promises?



Video duration:
3 mins

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – A. Guin, A. Fuzellier, T. Guery, L. Beneyton

France Televisions

In the dairy sections of supermarkets, the Skyr occupies a special place. Does it fulfill its promises?

THE Skyr East low in fat and high in protein. In five years, This Icelandic specialty has become a must in the dairy products section. For his snack, Yannis Sioudan consume at least once per week. He discovered the Skyr in 2022, when he decided to change his diet. Over one year, the consumption of Skyr jumped from 66.8%.

What contributions?

The major dairy product manufacturers have all gotten involved. In Normandy, the factory of a major brand was one of the first to launch. At the very beginning of the production chain, there is no difference from the production of classic yogurt. But afterward, theThe curdled milk is filtered to completely remove the whey. “To make Skyrwe use three times more milk than for a classic yogurt”, explains Marie Cluzelworkshop manager at Danone. To meet demand, the factory is operating at maximum capacity.

Appearing on our shelves in 2018, the Skyr is not a new thing. It is an ancient recipe born in Norway and imported by vikings in Iceland. THE Skyr has conquered Europe thanks to social networks. A nutritionist compared the Skyr with its competitors. “THE Skyrthat includes 10g of proteins. If we compare with the petit-suisse, 9.7 g. We see that it is almost identical”, Sophie analysis January.

Among our sources

Circana: research and consulting company of American origin, which claims to monitor several million products from 2,000 categories in more than 500,000 stores in 23 countries including France

The dairy economy in figures, 2023 (Cniel)


Non-exhaustive list

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