Pourrain and its inhabitants will have to live without a bakery




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France 3 Burgundy: B. Djouti, E. Do Nascimento Goncalves, S. Schneider – France 3

France Televisions

The inhabitants of Pourrain, in Yonne, are deprived of the only bakery in the village, which has just closed its doors. Established for more than 15 years, traders can no longer cope with the rise in energy and raw material prices. The elected officials are looking for buyers as soon as possible.

Friday, October 7, the baker Sandra Robin emptied the premises and put everything away. No more baguettes will come out of the oven. Sandra and her husband have shut down. “Today we have no choice, because we can no longer live from our work”, she says. The couple had been negotiating for months with a buyer, but the deal was unsuccessful. The only bakery in the town closed its doors last Friday, overnight.

Since then, the grocery store has taken over and offers a bread depot. An associative bakery in a neighboring town provides delivery every day, the inhabitants having to reserve the day before for the next day. Everyone is upset by this situation. The mayor speaks of a real shock for the 1,400 inhabitants, experienced as a tragedy in this rural town. The chosen one now wants to attract a new baker, provide him with premises and equipment, like medical homes. But such a solution requires large investments and will take months.

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