Potted Maple Caramel Apple Cake

This text is part of the special book Plaisirs

Here is one of the recipes created by the chef of the Labonté de la pomme orchard, located in Oka, which during the sugar season offers savory and sweet dishes made from apples and maple. Enjoy your food !

Servings: 5 jars of 212 ml



100ml salted butter
100ml maple syrup


150g flour

100g brown sugar

10g baking powder

60g melted salted butter

1 fresh egg

100ml milk

10g vanilla

500 g quartered apples (about 5 apples)



1. Melt the butter in a skillet.

2. Add maple syrup.

3. Cook, stirring regularly, until the caramel reaches a temperature of 107°C (225°F). Note: the caramel thickens slightly during cooking.

4. Set aside and let stand.


1. Preheat the oven to 175°C (350°F).

2. Place the flour, brown sugar and baking powder in a mixing bowl.

3. Gradually add butter, egg, milk and vanilla.

4. Mix everything until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Use the mixer whisk to avoid lumps.

Assembly of the cake in the jars

1. Divide caramel evenly among five baking jars.

2. Peel the apples and cut them into rings, then each ring in half.

3. Arrange the apple half-slices at the bottom of the jars, above the caramel. Add 1/5 of the cake to each jar.

4. Put in the oven for more or less 25 minutes, watching the end of cooking.

This special content was produced by the Special Publications team of the Duty, pertaining to marketing. The drafting of Duty did not take part.

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