Potential cohabitation between Emmanuel Macron and Jean-Luc Mélenchon, school of the future… The informed of the morning of June 3

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Around Renaud Dély and Marc Fauvelle, Rosalie Lucasjournalist in the political service of the Parisian – Today in Franceand Guillaume Daretjournalist in the political department of France Télévisions.

The themes :

– Jean-Luc Mélenchon has the ambition to join Matignon after the legislative elections. The leader of La France insoumise thus intends to apply his program: retirement at 60, nationalization of banks, sixth week of paid vacation, etc. But is the Nupes program credible? What would a Macron-Mélenchon cohabitation look like?

– Emmanuel Macron and Pap Ndiaye were traveling to Marseille on Thursday to reform the school and present “the school of the future”. The Head of State took the opportunity to announce the return of mathematics in the common core in high school, as an option at the start of the 2022 school year and then compulsory from the start of the 2023 school year. Why postpone the return of compulsory math for a additional year, when candidate Macron had aimed for 2022? What about the school of the present and its urgencies, in particular the problems of recruitment?

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