The National Union of Real Estate Owners supports Bruno Le Maire’s idea to postpone the ban on renting thermal strainers. The law was nevertheless passed, with progressive application from January 1, 2025.
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“It’s common sense that speaks, that’s all,” reacts Christophe Demerson of the UNPI (National Union of Real Estate Owners), after the controversial remarks of Bruno Le Maire in an interview with readers of Le Parisien. The Minister ofEEconomy and Finance explained that“personally”, he is “favorable” to postpone the ban on renting thermal strainers.
>> Thermal strainers: what obligations?
However, the law was passed: it prohibits owners of housing classified G by the energy performance diagnosis from renting their housing from January 1, 2025, then in 2028 for housing classified F and finally in 2034 for those classified E.
“Bruno Le Maire can resign!”
Bruno Le Maire nevertheless believes that this calendar should be reviewed: an idea approved by Christophe Demerson. “All real estate players know that the objectives will not be met, he believes. Look at the materials, we are out of stock, time was limited.”
“We can’t renovate millions of apartments with the wave of a magic wand!”
Christophe Demerson, from the National Union of Real Estate Ownersat franceinfo
But the decree was published in August, which made Danyel Dubreuil who leads the “Rénovons” collective within the CLER-Réseau for the energy transition jump: “There is a big problem because these rich landlord landlords make poor households live in conditions which are today considered indecent by the law. So, on a personal level, if Mr. Mayor feels uncomfortable with a government decision , he can resign! Otherwise, research the subject so as not to say gross untruths, such as the fact that energy sieves are the property of people who do not have the means to renovate.”
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The “Rénovons” collective also points out that the issue is also health-related, because thermal strainers can cause chronic pathologies, respiratory problems or cardiovascular diseases.