Postponed, the Star Wars series “Andor” sounds the revolt in a new trailer

The new series on the Disney+ platform, originally scheduled for August 31, has been postponed to September 21. To make fans wait, “Andor” brings new answers to its plot in a promising trailer.

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France Televisions

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We will have to wait a little longer to devour the series Andor on Disney+. Initially scheduled for August 31 on the platform, its release has been postponed to September 21. Fans were able to calm their impatience with a new trailer unveiled on Monday August 1st.

This fast-paced trailer gives a promising taste of the adventures of Cassian Andor. A rebel hero from the Star Wars universe introduced in the film RogueOne from 2016. Mexican-British actor Diego Luna reprises his role as the Galactic Empire’s adversary and infiltration expert.

We discover him as a child, already spying on his enemies by breaking into their ships. Then again adult, hidden in their ranks of fighters. Andor will take place five years before the events of RogueOne, or at the beginning of the formation of the Rebellion. The fall of the Republic plunged the population under the control of the Empire.

In the trailer, we can see clashes breaking out between the population and the authoritarian forces. Surprisingly the Stormtroopers are relegated to the background, a new brigade dressed all in black and equipped with large shields seems to bring order to the streets.

At the political level, revolt is also brewing in the face of the rise of the Empire. Politician Mon Mothma, still played by Genevieve O’Reilly, tries to weave alliances behind the back of the reigning power. “As long as they take me for a nuisance, they don’t see what I’m really doing”, warns the fine strategist in the trailer.

The series still keeps many gray areas, we do not know precisely the roles that the actors Stellan Skarsgård will play (Dunes) and Adria Arjona (Morbius), but both seem determined to put a spoke in the Emperor’s wheels. Another character will have to return, the famous Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi from then on announced in the casting.

The poster very "retro" of Andor, similar to the style of those of the first Star Wars.  (LUCASFILM LTD.)

The first three episodes of the “Andor” series will be available on September 21 on Disney+

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