(San Jose) Apart from a few details like the heat, the palm trees and the people walking around in t-shirts at the end of November, this match day in San Jose was not too exotic for the wandering Quebecer.
Among other things, there are always quite a few red sweaters around here in the stands, and if you listen carefully, you can hear French spoken; During random conversations, we were able to hear a frank discussion on the importance of not forgetting your winter tires when going home.

Augie’s Montreal Deli, at the SAP Center in San Jose
But what’s more, at the height of the ice rink, there are bars, restaurants… and a counter displayed with a fleur-de-lis.
The restaurant in question, Augie’s Montreal Deli – yes, with the acute accent on the e in Montreal! –, is an authentic Montreal creation, with formerly a real restaurant not far from here, in Berkeley, which has since closed. But there are still counters, including this one, in the corridors of the SAP Center.
The menu ? There too, we feel at home, with smoked meat dishes, without forgetting the essential poutine, obviously quite popular, but to which we had to say no, so as not to overdo it.

The menu at Augie’s Montreal Deli
All of this is very nice, even more so when the Sharks players arrive passing by a huge shark head to the sound of a Metallica classic, which is undoubtedly the most Quebecois of all American groups.