Possibly armed student | Intervention completed at the Saint-Jérôme high school

The police announced around 3 p.m. the end of their operation carried out at the Saint-Jérôme high school after a potentially armed suspect was seen there late in the morning.

“We located a pellet gun possibly belonging to a student,” the Jérôme police force said on its Facebook page. The police carried out a complete check of the school and “no threat was made, nor any shooter [localisé] in the school,” he added.

Since 11:40 a.m., the police had been in search mode to locate a student who “showed a weapon or imitation weapon” to one of his peers. In doing so, the Saint-Jérôme Police Department (SPSJ) initially ordered students and employees of the high school to “remain in their premises and apply the containment measure until the police [les] notify of the end of confinement.”

From then on, the SPSJ nevertheless affirmed that no shots had been fired and that nothing suggested any threat or the presence of a shooter in the school. It was, in short, a “precautionary measure”. A student was reportedly arrested in connection with this event, which “took place peacefully”, according to the SPSJ.

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