Possible shots fired in Ahuntsic | Two friends of Thomas Trudel could have been targeted

Two friends of Thomas Trudel, this 16-year-old shot dead last November, were at the place where gunshots were heard Tuesday evening in the Ahuntsic district of Montreal.

Posted at 12:55 p.m.

Mayssa Ferah

Mayssa Ferah
The Press

The two 17-year-olds were on site when detonations resembling gunshots were heard at the intersection of boulevard Gouin Est and rue de Lille, on the edge of the Parc-nature de l’Île-de-France. -the-Visitation.

It is not known for the moment if the teenagers, present the evening of the murder of Thomas Trudel, were targeted.

Two suspects reportedly fled on foot Tuesday shortly after the incident, which occurred around 6 p.m. However, the police did not locate any victim or suspect, said agent Caroline Chèvrefils.

“Casings were found on the ground, but it is not yet determined whether they come from a real firearm,” said the spokesperson for the Montreal Police Service.

Thomas Trudel, whose murder shocked the province, was reportedly shot at random, victim of a phenomenon called scoring, had revealed The Press last November.

Young people around the victim had mentioned a rivalry between two secondary schools in Saint-Michel and Saint-Léonard.

With Daniel Renaud

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