Positive for COVID-19 during the Holidays | “More time than expected to recover,” says Messi

(Paris) Argentinian superstar Lionel Messi posted a photo on his Instagram account on Thursday with a caption in which he thanks his fans for their support and acknowledges that he needed “longer than expected to get well” after contracting COVID-19 during the holidays.

Posted at 2:19 p.m.

” Good afternoon ! As you know, I had COVID-19 and I wanted to thank you for all the messages I received, “wrote the seven-time Ballon d’Or, before wanting to be reassuring to his supporters:” it m ‘took longer than expected to get well, but I’m almost back on track and can’t wait to get back on the pitch,’ he says, smiling alongside his wife Antonella Roccuzzo and his famous red poodle, Toby.

“I’m training these days to get back to 100%, very nice challenges are coming this year and I hope that very soon we can see each other again. Thank you ! “, he writes again in Spanish.

The 2021 Copa America top scorer, and winner with the Albiceleste, contracted the coronavirus during the winter break after spending a few days in Argentina. Since then, returned to France and tested negative, he trained separately, without integrating collective training at Camp des loges, the training center of Paris SG.

His state of form had prompted the Parisian staff to preserve him during the match in Lyon last Sunday (1-1). According to ESPN Argentina, the leader of the French Championship (11 points ahead of Marseille and Nice) will also have to do without his Argentine superstar when receiving Brest on Saturday at 9 p.m.

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