Portugal puts an end to the compulsory wearing of masks indoors

The compulsory wearing of the mask will now be limited “to places which are characterized by a special vulnerability of the people who frequent them (…) and to premises of intensive use”, specified the government.

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Portugal decided on Thursday April 21 to end the obligation to wear a mask indoors. This health measure, put in place to fight against the Covid-19 pandemic, will now be limited “to places which are characterized by a special vulnerability of the people who frequent them (…) and to places of intensive use”, said the government, that is to say in public transport, hospitals or retirement homes, but not in schools. This decision was promulgated immediately by the President of the Republic. It should then be published on Friday in the official journal and come into force on Saturday.

In recent days, several experts or members of the opposition have called for an end to the wearing of compulsory masks in schools, one of the main measures to control the pandemic still in force in Portugal. While Portugal is among the countries with the highest vaccination rates in the world, the number of new cases of coronavirus infection was down, at 577 cases per 100,000 population over seven days, according to the latest weekly report from the General Directorate of Health.

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