Portugal eases restrictions for European travelers from Monday

Travelers in “possession of an EU digital Covid certificate” will be exempt from presenting a negative test on arrival.

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Portugal will ease restrictions from Monday for travelers holding a European health certificate, according to a decree published on Sunday February 6. Travelers in “possession of an EU digital Covid certificate” or any other “recognized proof of vaccination” will be exempted from presenting a negative test upon their arrival in the national territory, according to this government decision.

Like other European countries, Portugal has required since the beginning of December that passengers over the age of 12, even vaccinated against Covid-19, present negative tests to enter the country. This new decision by the Portuguese government follows European recommendations to better coordinate the rules applicable to travel within the EU and avoid imposing restrictions on holders of a European health certificate, as some countries have faced. the emergence of Omicron.

In addition, the period of validity of antigenic tests has been reduced in Portugal, from 48 to 24 hours, according to a decision announced Thursday in the Council of Ministers. Like most other countries around the world, Portugal is experiencing a spike in new infections linked to the Omicron variant. The country reported Saturday more than 41,000 infections in 24 hours and 44 deaths.

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