Pornographic frescoes still visible in certain hospitals



Video length: 1 min

Pornographic frescoes: still visible in certain hospitals
Pornographic frescoes: still visible in certain hospitals
(France 2)

The government had requested the removal of paintings of a sexual or sexist nature in French hospitals. But in some establishments, they are still present.

In January 2023, hospitals with pornographic or sexist frescoes in duty rooms had to remove them. They are considered sexist and violent for the image of women in particular. Although hospitals are gradually moving to remove or modify these murals, the decision has still not been implemented everywhere.

Seized in summary proceedings by the association Dare Feminism on behalf of “the dignity of women”, the administrative court of Toulouse ordered in December 2021 the removal of certain decorations from the duty rooms of the CHU. While frescoes remain visible, doctors continue to refuse their removal. Although a large number of them remain to be removed, some hospitals have nevertheless chosen to play the game.

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