Popular primary and union of the left, measures on taxes and youth … Christiane Taubira’s “8:30 franceinfo”

Christiane Taubira, presidential candidate and winner of the Popular Primary, was Monday, January 31, 2022 the guest of 8:30 a.m. franceinfo. She answered questions from Salhia Brakhlia and Marc Fauvelle.

Presidential: the popular Primary, “it is the broadest base of legitimacy” on the left

The result of the popular Primary “game changer” on the left, estimated Christiane Taubira, after winning it on Sunday January 30.”I am one more candidate for those who consider that a democratic process is absolutely worth nothing, that half a million people who vote is worth nothing at all“, its forbidden Christiane Taubira in response to attacks from other competitors.

Nuclear: “not in favor”, she promises a “referendum” on the question if she is elected

Christiane Taubira said this Monday on franceinfo “not favorable” to nuclear, “taking into account radioactive waste”. If she is elected President of the Republic, she promises a “referendum” about this question : “Do you want to get out of nuclear power in France?”

“I am against the monarchical presidency. It is clear. This means accepting the institutions and accepting the referendum when necessary, not on all subjects, but when necessary”, she explains. The subject of nuclear power is therefore, according to her, a “major question” Who “engages the future of French men and women, the future of our society for decades”. On these “major questions, I think that we must effectively inform citizens correctly and precisely and give them a voice”, believes Christiane Taubira.

Taxation: “France is a paradise for big fortunes”

“France is for the big, big fortunes, a tax haven”, said Monday, January 31 on franceinfo Christiane Taubira, when she was asked about the need or not to increase taxes. “The question is that of tax justice”, added the one who won the popular Primary before rolling out several proposals, while the question of inheritance and taxes punctuates the campaign. She proposes in particular that “those who have worked all their life and have built up a heritage” do not pay inheritance costs and wish to reinstate a “ISF in other forms”.

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