Pope’s visit to Marseille: Francis, spokesperson for migrants


Video duration:
2 min


Friday September 22, Pope Francis arrived in Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône) for a state visit. He took the opportunity to denounce the tragedies of shipwrecks caused by heinous trafficking.

His visit was expected. Friday September 22, Pope Francis arrived in Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône). He was welcomed by Elisabeth Borne, Prime Minister, at Marseille Provence airport. The sovereign pontiff then went to Notre-Dame-de-la-Garde for a prayer in honor of Mary. He took the opportunity to address a speech to migrants missing at sea.

Pope Francis pays tribute to migrants

After the speech, the man of the Church paid tribute to the migrants with representatives of other religions. He then spoke again about migrants and their fate in the Mediterranean Sea. “People who are in danger of drowning must be rescued. It is a duty of humanity and civilization”, he insisted. He will give a mass on Saturday afternoon at the Vélodrome stadium.

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