Pope Francis expected in Marseille



Video length:
1 minute


Pope Francis will be in Marseille next Saturday. This is the first visit of a sovereign Pontiff in 500 years to the Phocaean city.

After 10 years of Pontificate, the Pape François will have made 43 trips around the world, particularly in Africa, but also in Asia. The Pope had never granted a real visit to France. He had spent a few hours in Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin) in the European Parliament, to talk about the situation of migrants. Nine years later, this question will be at the heart of his message. In his eyes, he is not coming to France, but to Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône), a city symbolizing the welcome of foreigners.

Poor health

At Notre-Dame de la Garde, he will preside over a ceremony in memory of those who died at sea. The next day, he will celebrate mass in front of more than 60,000 people at the Vélodrome. THE Pape François is now in poor health, and will not go to Lourdes or Paris, as was mentioned. He himself admits that he only has a little time left, a time that he wants to wasteland in distant countries.

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