Pope Francis’ Christmas message



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On Christmas Eve, from Friday December 24 to Saturday December 25, Pope Francis called on the faithful to “rediscover the little things in life”. Journalist Alban Mikoczy takes stock live from St. Peter’s Square in the Vatican.

Pope Francis traditionally takes a world tour of conflicts during his Christmas message. This year he did so, citing Sudan and Ukraine as an issue of concern. He also mentioned Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and then he had a special word for migrants. While there was still a tragedy last night, the Pope asks the citizens of the world not to look away and to accept migrants with them, in the societies where they have the means to integrate “, explains journalist Alban Mikoczy, live from St. Peter’s Square (Vatican).

More than 20,000 people gathered on the St. Peter’s Square in the Vatican, Saturday, December 25, to listen to it. The festivities continue but everyone is masked since it is the rule in Italy. It is therefore a special Christmas because it is happening in this atmosphere of a health crisis. But the Vatican still tried to keep it a festive dimension “, concludes the journalist.


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