Pope Francis calls for “dialogue” in the face of the temptation to “withdraw into oneself”

In his traditional Christmas message, Pope Francis also addressed the crisis in Ukraine and the armed conflicts in Yemen and Syria.

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Tolerance, health crisis, armed conflicts … Pope Francis spoke on Saturday, December 25, in front of the faithful gathered in St. Peter’s Square in the Vatican, during his traditional Christmas message. “In these times of pandemic”, “our ability to maintain social relations is severely tested, the tendency is reinforced to withdraw into oneself, to go it alone”, including “at an international level”, declared the sovereign pontiff, believing that “only the paths of dialogue really lead to the resolution of conflicts”.

Besides the health crisis, the Pope also addressed the conflict in Ukraine. He called to “dialogue” in order to “do not let the metastases of a gangrenous conflict spread” in Ukraine, where tensions with pro-Russian separatists raise fears of a military escalation.

Pope Francis recalled on Saturday in his Christmas message the “immense tragedies” and “forgotten” that are played out in Syria and Yemen, beset by conflicts that have “many victims and countless refugees”.

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