Poor performance and health concerns related to the Covid-19 vaccine? Gaël Monfils creates controversy because of his last outing

This is the subject that has undoubtedly been the most controversial in recent months, in addition to the rise in gasoline prices… Indeed, the vaccine against Covid-19 divides the French and many inhabitants of the whole world. Especially since even the biggest stars give their opinion by saying they are in favor or, on the contrary, unfavorable to the injection. Recently, it was Gaël Monfils who sparked controversy. The French tennis player does not say he is against or for the vaccine, but makes remarks that do not fail to make the “antivax” react.

The athlete giving some news of his state of health on February 22. “I wanted to give you some news following my recent withdrawals in tournaments”he explained before “laying the blame” on the vaccine according to the information transmitted by his doctors: “I suffered a small health glitch (probably following my third dose of vaccine). On the advice of my doctor, I decided to take time to rest. So unfortunately I will not be able to play the Davis Cup next week”.


Following this declaration, Gaël Monfils was able to see the people against the injection massively relaying his tweet. Faced with this situation, the tennis player was therefore forced to speak again to clarify the situation this Wednesday, February 23.

“Thank you very much for all your messages of support. This tweet was a simple update on my current state of health following my last packages. After several examinations, the doctors have issued a hypothesis on the potential nature of my state of health”he began before qualifying his remarks of the day before: “The causes of my glitches remain unclear and even the doctors cannot tell me exactly what it is due to. My goal was simply to be transparent with you and not to push anti vax propaganda”. Gaël Monfils finally concludes by asking Internet users not to use his remarks for political purposes: “Let’s stop appropriating everyone’s words for political ends or simply to serve your convictions. I don’t regret at all having been vaccinated. Everyone does what they want”.

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