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This is a promise that Emmanuel Macron would not have kept according to the Abbé Pierre foundation. According to the report that has just been unveiled, it is even the weak link of the five-year term. More than four million people are still poorly housed in France.
In the heart of Paris, in a bourgeois district, there is a well-maintained building dating from the 1970s with an elevator. However, Maurice Rogier is the tenant of a dwelling devoid of the most basic comforts. “Here it’s 9 square meters, without a water point”, entrusts the tenant. The amount of his rent is 600 euros per month for a room with shared toilets on the landing and access to water in the hallway.
After dozens of requests to carry out work, Maurice, a 67-year-old retiree, decided to stop paying his rent. He is on trial with his owner. In his fight, he is supported by the Abbé Pierre Foundation. Here, victims of poor housing are accompanied free of charge during their procedure. In France, more than two million people live in substandard housing. An estimate well below the reality, according to the Abbé Pierre foundation