poor countries demand financial compensation



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More affected by global warming, the least developed countries are demanding financial compensation at COP 27.

Floods in Pakistan, Nigeria, repeated drought in the Horn of Africa with millions displaced as in Somalia… The least developed countries in the world are today the most affected by climatic disasters. So on the occasion of COP 27, which opened on Sunday November 6, they are asking for financial compensation in addition to the already existing funds.

The principle is to recognize loss and damage, in other words catastrophes that cannot be avoided. So far, the countries of the North have been reluctant, but the subject could be put on the official agenda of COP 27. Developed countries could also increase the funds that already exist. In 2009, they pledged to pay 100 billion dollars a year to so-called developing countries by 2020. Promises only partly kept, so new announcements could be made on the subject during this COP 27.

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