Pollution: no drinking water for 25,000 inhabitants of Châteauroux


Article written by

M. Buisson, M. Lecointre, G. Beaufils, J.-C. Lambard – France 3

France Televisions

In the midst of a heat wave, 25,000 people have been deprived of water in Châteauroux, in Indre, since Friday June 17. Water is contaminated with bacteria Escherichia Parcel. The services of the Town hall distribute bottles of water.

Bottles of water are brought to the most vulnerable people. In Châteauroux (Indre), it is home water distribution for the elderly. “I drink a lot so this will allow me to hydrate normally, otherwise I had to reduce my consumption”says a senior. Outside it’s 41 °C, but it is forbidden to drink tap water, which is contaminated with Escherichia Coli bacteria. In a distribution center, City services are on deck. That’s one pack of water per day per family.

A man fears for his dog, who drinks a lot of water. A resident is not worried and thinks that the situation will get better. 25,000 inhabitants are affected and therefore cannot drink, brush their teeth or prepare food with tap water. At the origin of the problem, a malfunction in the drinking water network which allowed the bacteria to develop, in small proportions. New analyzes are expected on Sunday, June 19.

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