Pollution: is our tap water really good for our health?



Video duration:
2 min

Pollution: is our tap water really good for our health?

Pollution: is our tap water really good for our health? – (France 2)

Water catchments had to be closed due to pesticide residues, particularly fungicides. So, is our tap water really good for our health? Investigation.

The water of our faucet isIs it really good for our health? For several months, pesticides have been found in waterways in different regions of France. A situation which worries the health authorities, forced to close catchments. This is the case at Missillac (Loire Atlantique). Water union employees closed the collection station after Discovery early June of pesticide pollution. A fungicide was found at levels 2.6 times higher than the health standard.


Dangerous products under close surveillance. They are likely to trigger health problems, including cancer. From 0.1 micrograms of pesticides per liter of water, its quality is controlled by the health authorities. When the threshold of 3 micrograms is exceeded, the capture is closed. It is often pollution of agricultural origin. (…) It can sometimes be pollution of industrial origin. Pollution is the primary cause today of catchment closures.”explains Régis Taisnewater specialist. It is estimated that a third of drinking water is contaminated by pesticides in France.

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