Pollution: France ordered to limit PFAS


Video length: 2 min.


Article written by

L. Legendre-Trousset, A. Delcourt, M. Boudot, M. de Couët, C. Berbett-Justice, France 3 Rhône-Alpes – France 3

France Televisions

An alarming Perennial Pollutants, or PFAS, report highlights the state’s shortcomings. These substances are present in everyday life, for example in the coating of kitchen utensils.

They are found in drinking water, in the air or in the soil: Those are the PFAScarbon-based chemical pollutants and fluorine. According to a report by the General Inspectorate for the Environment and Sustainable Development “French regulations on industrial emissions still do not regulate discharges in PFAS and their tracking in the database is almost non-existent.

An impact on health

THE PFAS are present in textiles, food packaging and kitchen utensils. Manufacturers use them for their non-stick, waterproofing and resistant properties in high heat. They can pollute for centuries, even millennia, and have a lasting impact on health. Last May, a Special Envoy investigation alerted to the abnormally high rate near a factory in the Lyon countryside. By 2026, France will have to follow European directives limiting the amount of PFAS in drinking water.

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