Politics: unions and employers invited to Matignon for a meeting with Elisabeth Borne


Video length: 1 min.

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – J. Prigent

France Televisions

Trade unions and employers’ organizations are invited to Matignon, Wednesday July 12, for a meeting with Elisabeth Borne, the Prime Minister. The objective, according to Matignon, is to build the agenda for a new work life pact by this summer.

Unions and employers are expected at Matignon for a meeting with Elizabeth Borne, Wednesday July 12, two days before the “100 days” deadline set by the Head of State, who wishes to turn the page on the pension crisis. A goal that seems very different for the CGT. “We will go to tell him first that this pension reform is a bad reform, that it is not behind us”said Sophie Binet, general secretary of the CGT.

The government wants to reconnect with social dialogue

The last meeting between the Prime Minister and the unions dates from May 16 and 17. It had not ended well, after three months of strikes and demonstrations against the pension reform. Today, the government wants to reconnect with social dialogue. For a time, there was talk of Emmanuel Macron doing it himself. It’s finally Elizabeth Terminal that should take care of it. The objective of this multilateral meeting, according to Matignon, is to build the agenda for a new work life pact by this summer, and then negotiate its content until the end of the year. A way like any other for the Prime Minister to occupy the field and to imagine continuing her mandate.

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