Politics: the suburban plan back in the news of the week



Video length: 3 mins.

France 3

Article written by

France 3 – C. Motte

France Televisions

For a week the name of Jean-Louis Borloo has been back in the news. Many seem to regret his suburban plan, which was revoked five years ago. The details of Caroline Motte, on the set of 12/13, Thursday July 6.

Former Minister Jean-Louis Borloo had been mandated by Emmanuel Macron to work on a suburban plan. Plan that was revoked five years ago, which many seem to regret today, even the president. After being challenged several times by the mayors on the Borloo plan, Emmanuel Macron conceded: “I was probably clumsy in this business at the time”reports journalist Caroline Motte, present on the set of 12/13, Thursday July 6. However, the Borloo plan, “It was the fruit of six months’ work with hundreds of elected officials from all sides. Concretely : 5 billion euros for the suburbs and original proposals such as a large school to reveal the talents of young people”describes the journalist.

Republicans go on the offensive

Today, Jean-Louis Borloo remains silent on this subject, but others go on the offensive like Les Républicains. “Éric Ciotti held a press conference just an hour ago to propose firmness measures: 80,000 prison places by 2027, the doubling of closed educational centers, but also the abolition of family allowances in the event of school absenteeism”says Caroline Motte. For his part, Édouard Philippe continues to travel across France to meet elected officials for 2027 and has also written a book on education which will be released at the start of the school year.

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