Politics: the motion of censure tabled by the Nupes has very little chance of succeeding in the National Assembly



France 3

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Monday July 11, the government of Elisabeth Borne has to face a motion of censure filed by the Nudes in the National Assembly. Update with journalist Caroline Motte, live from the hemicycle in Paris.

Elizabeth’s government Borne faces a motion of censure in the National Assembly tabled by the NudesMonday, July 11. This motion has almost no chance of succeeding, because it will be voted mainly by the Nupes. The National Rally and Les Républicains have already warned: they will not vote for it“, explains journalist Caroline Motte, live from the hemicycle, in Paris.

It is therefore impossible to obtain an absolute majority, which is set at 289 votes. It is therefore a purely symbolic act, but it is also a political act. The Nupes is on the offensive and wants to stand out from the National Rally, to show that it is the only real opposition to the government“, details the journalist. LThe debates will begin at 4 p.m., with the intervention of Mathilde panotfrom La France insoumise, then “swill follow 2h30 of interventions and exchanges before the vote“.

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